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For downloading "Choroidal Neovascularization and Photodynamic Therapy" book in Turkish, you can click the each part below

The topics of the each chapter are as follows:
Part 1: Non-neovascular AMD
Part 2: Angiography of neovascular AMD
Part 3: Treatment of neovascular AMD
Part 4: Other causes of choroidal neovascularization besides AMD
Part 5: Photosensitive agents used in PDT
Part 6: Mode of action of PDT
Part 7: Ocular indications of PDT
Part 8: Clinical trials with PDT
Part 9: Application protocole of PDT
Part 10: Complications of PDT - during and after its applications
Part 11: Role of OCT in diagnosis of AMD and along with PDT applications
Part 12: PDT applications in AMD
Part 13: PDT application for choroidal neovascularization of myopia
Part 14: PDT applications for choroidal neovascularization in angiod streaks
Part 15: PDT applications in idiopathic choroidal neovascularization
Part 16: Other PDT applications

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